Voting is very important. Contrary to what you might believe, every vote does, in fact, count. If you don’t vote, you aren’t represented. I know what some of you are thinking: “My vote doesn’t count! All elections are decided by thousands or millions of votes! Mine isn’t going to change anything!” Well, you’re wrong.

Today’s news showed us that like nothing else. The Virginia House of Delegates just welcomed its newest Democratic representative due to a vote of 11,608-11,607. No, you don’t need to read that again. You read it right the first time. This election was decided by one vote.

Democratic Shelly Simmonds defeated the Republican incumbent David Yancy in a recount conducted today for a Virginia House of Delegates election. By one vote.

Can you imagine how many Republicans stayed home that day? They didn’t feel the need to vote, for whatever reason. We all know they exist, and just two would have completely changed the result. Two.

Just think of how those Republican “voters” feel now. Because of their own apathy, they have to deal with the monster that they created. Maybe next time they’ll think twice about staying home when the polls open.

And let this serve as a reminder to anybody reading this. Your vote counts. Everybody’s vote counts, and you shouldn’t let anyone tell you differently. Football is a game of inches and politics is a game of single votes.

Remember this:

“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participates.”

-Thomas Jefferson

If you don’t vote, you aren’t represented, and you make the founders of democracy turn in their graves.

Have anything to say? Corrections, comments, or otherwise? Discuss in the comments below, or perhaps direct yourself to the “Contact” page. I’ll try to respond as soon as possible.

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