Gun Control is Not the Answer

On February 14, 2018, the US faced a horrible tragedy: another mass shooting, and this time at a school. It was in my own home state of Florida, and in Broward County, where I once lived. This is a very sad moment for America; it’s a time for grieving. In light of this awful occurrence, many people are calling for action. In particular: gun control. However, gun control is not the answer here. Gun control would not work to solve this problem.

Continue reading “Gun Control is Not the Answer”

The Minimum Wage Should be Raised; But not to $15

People have been calling for the minimum wage to be raised to $15 for what seems like forever at this point. They say that the current $7.25 federal minimum wage is impossible to live on, and that the minimum wage should be a livable wage. A minimum wage hike of this caliber has been fiercely contested for as long as the push for it has been around, and for good reason. A minimum wage of $15 per hour is just too much. It will be much worse than it seems in theory.

Continue reading “The Minimum Wage Should be Raised; But not to $15”

The GOP’s Uphill Battle

A lot has changed since the 2016 election. On November 8th, 2016, America showed us that we wanted to see what the Republicans could bring to the table after years of Democratic control. It was a surprise to many that this was what America wanted, but we all hoped that the GOP could do good. A year and two months later, the political landscape is already very different, and the GOP has a battle on their hands if they want to maintain Congressional control. Continue reading “The GOP’s Uphill Battle”

Stop Comparing the US to Other Countries (Part 2 of 2)

Here’s part two of this point, just a little late. Last time, I explained why we should stop comparing ourselves to other countries when we consider our defense budget. Now I’m going to talk about another thing we shouldn’t compare ourselves to others about: healthcare. Continue reading “Stop Comparing the US to Other Countries (Part 2 of 2)”